
Showing posts from January, 2020

Day 13 - Dealing with disputes (1 Cor 6:1-11)

Observations It is shameful for Christians to sue one another and take it to the worldly courts to settle disputes that should be settled in-house at the church. Especially since the Corinthian church at the time, no one bothered to consult the church but went straight to the courts first. Paul says that the magistrates in the court are probably both unbelievers and unjust in their judgments (v1-8) Paul says that those who are unrighteous - that is, they practice behaviour that is indistinguishable from the world may not actually be 'saints'. However we are a people who have been washed - spiritually cleansed from the guilt and dominating power of sin. We are sanctified - that is, God continues to intercede and work in us each and every day to be more like his Son. (v9-11) Application Disputes should be settled within the church and not at the legal authorities. I should constantly strive to be at peace with everyone especially those in the church no matter how hard ...

Day 12 - Consequences of unrepentant sin (1 Cor 5)

Observations The Corinthians were suffering from sexual immorality. Not just any sexual immorality but that of incest. Paul heavily condemns this behaviour, saying that he is there with the Corinthians in spirit. However Paul also says that even such a sin like this is able to saved through the power of the Lord (v1-5) Again Paul is emphasising that they should not boast. He uses the analogy of yeast and bread - saying that just like making bread, we should not use old yeast to make new bread. Therefore, we should throwaway the old (our worldly and sinful flesh) but instead take on Christ and his sacrifice on the cross. (v6-8) Paul says that church discipline should be hard on those who call themselves Christian yet are still living in unrepentant sin. We are not to eat and talk with these people in the hope that this abandonment will lead them to see their sin. It is not something out of hate but rather out of love. It is important that this does NOT apply to unbelieving people. ...

Day 11 - Imitating other Christians (1 Cor 4)

Observations God will judge everyone. We should remember that it isn't us who judges people in their final day, it is in fact God.Therefore, we should not jpronounce judgement before the Lord comes. In fact, God will reveal and bring to light any darkness and will disclose all purposes of the heart  (v2-5) We should not put our own understanding beyond what is actually said in the Word of God. In fact, Paul is saying to the Corinthians that they have actually forgotten that all they have is from God - and therefore they should not boast.  Paul then asks what do you have that you did not receive?  - repeatedly asking this question fosters deep humility and thanksgiving (v6-7) Paul implores us to imitate him and in fact, God has designed us to imitate other Christians, imperfect though they may be (v16) Imitating Paul as Paul imitates Christ Application Deep humility comes from repeatedly acknowledging that everything I have received I have received because o...

Day 10 - The Freeness of Grace Eph 2:4-6

Points/observations In sin, we are dead. We are non responsive and a simply dead to all that matters However, the good news is that God saved us unconditionally - meaning he made us alive despite us not being able to do anything In fact, Eph 2:4 says that it was an act of "mercy". And not only this but it was only by grace we have been saved  - and raised up with him. This is because Paul is trying to emphasise the freeness of grace  that has been given to us If we are to live in Christ, it involves accepting the totally unconditional and free love that God offers to save us In essence, the freedom is the very heart of grace Application No amount of works can lead to salvation - is offered and delivered by grace alone through grace alone. I should spend less time thinking about what I can do to earn God's good grace, and spend more time remembering the salvation I've already received

Day 9 - Hebrews 12:3

Points of observation Our minds possess an amazing power to focus our attention on what we want to The bible repeatedly calls us to use this gift In Romans 8, Paul tells us to set our minds not on fleshly desires but on the treasures in heaven. Notably, if set our mind on this world we will die, but things of heaven leads to life Often we are too passive in our pursuit of change and peace but in the New Testament, Paul shows us a far more aggressive approach to change The mind is a window of the heart and if we let our hearts constantly dwell on the dark, then the heart will feel dark In fact, the great capacity of our minds were designed to focus and consider Christ and how he endured great hostility on the cross for our souls Application Focus and use my energy on the heavenly things - especially when tempted by sins of this world When anxious, stressed or afraid, use the capacity of my mind to focus and consider Christ and know that he will give me rest

Day 8 - How to Recognise the Holy Spirit (Part 1)

Summary of: The presence of the Holy Spirit is perhaps our greatest blessing When Paul refers to "walking in the spirit" he focuses not on the Spirit's gifts but on the Spirit's fruit Therefore, we would do well in reflecting on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control We must also remember that Paul's list is not just for when we sit in isolation but also when we are with God's people Love: Do you labour for the good of your brothers and sisters? Our love no longer depends on finding something lovely; having felt hte love of Christ, we carry love wherever we go Such love compels us to care more about our brother's spiritual welfare than our own We gladly consider ourselves as servants Joy: Do you delight in the Christlikness of God's people? By faith, we have seen the glory of Christ - and now we delight to catc...

Day 7 - 1 Peter 5:10

Thoughts Amidst pains and suffering we often cry out to the Lord about when the suffering will end and or how long it will last It is comforting to hear that those who believe in Christ are promised to be restored, confirmed, strengthened and established  by Christ himself There is assurance that God will not allow me to suffer more than I can endure God is the God of all grace  meaning that we need to endure until the end Faith in a future grace that is to come, strengthened by the memory of past grace is the key to enduring on the narrow and difficult road that leads to life Prayer points Amidst difficulties and struggles, I might rely on God's infinite grace rather than my own human strength and wisdom I would rejoice through suffering because of the victory in Christ that I have received already

Day 6 - 1 Cor 3

Observations/Meaning Paul says that it is not wise to give advanced teachings to young and immature Christians. This is evident in how they quarrel about which specific christian leader they follow (v1-4) However Paul says that in fact all Christian teachers are assigned by the Lord and it is actually God who does the growing in the people - NOT the leader. In fact Paul states that we are merely the workers in God's field and his building (v5-9) When we work for Christ by laying the foundation and then God is the one who works and builds upon it (v10) However it is important to note that we MUST lay the foundation that is Christ Jesus and nothing else. Any foundation (or work) done out of fleshly and worldly motivations is like wood, hay and straws which will burn and not survive . However, work that is out of Christlike faith and obedience will survive and be rewarded (v11-12) Although Christians have already been saved, it doesn't mean we won't be judged, in fact i...

Day 5: Revealation 17-19

Sermon by Malcolm Gill: Ideas Sometimes we question where the judgement is for the wicked within this world - those that prosper (from worldly perspective) often don't face any judgement in this life, and this can be discouraging Rome in Revelation is idolising money and living a life apart from God and convincing others that they can be happy without God There is heavy prosecution to those who do not live apart from God (don't pay the Roman taxes and things of that sort) However, God's judgement is deserved,   swift and complete (17:8-10) In a moment, all the wealth of the wicked will be gone (18:2) There is no rematch - Babylon is totally defeated and the judgement is swift and thorough The wicked - their judgement is deserved and one day their judgement is met Judgement of the wicked reveals God's character and it leads to worship The response from God's people is joy and celebration ...

Day 4 - 1 Cor 2:11-16

Observations/Meaning No one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God (v11) We didn't receive the spirit of the world, but instead the Spirit from God so that we can understand the things God has freely given us (v12) Paul says we teach in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the spirit (v13) Paul emphasises that only the Spirit can render the message of the cross clear to someone Unbelievers don't have the ability to understand the things of God Paul says it is not normal to accept the Spirit of God (v14) Because we are sinners, we naturally disobey God and the things of the Spirit Application Since I am naturally a sinner I need to be reminded of Christ's love daily and to seek his wisdom instead of the world's I have to understand that non-believers are unable to understand the will of God because they haven't accepted his Spirit. This should remind me to be patient and loving just as Christ was

Day 3: 1 Cor 2:1 - 10

Observations Paul did not proclaim his testimony with lofty speech or wisdom (v1) Paul's words were not in words of wisdom but to demonstrate the Spirit and of power so that faith wouldn't be on the wisdom of men but the power of God (v4-5) We do impart wisdom, but it is not a wisdom of this age (v6) Instead, it is a wisdom from God that the rulers of this age were unable to understand (v6-10) Application When teaching others about Christ, we should focus on the message of the cross so that they would put their faith in Christ rather than the ability of human messengers Salvation isn't from intellectual wisdom - it is from the power of the Holy Spirit We cannot understand God's infinite wisdom. God's spirit allows us to understand the message of the cross

Day 2: 1 Cor 1:18 - 31

Observations The word of Christ is stupid to those who are perishing (non-Christians) but to those in Christ it is the power of God himself (v18) God has made the wisdom of the world very foolish (v20) Paul says that all are preached the gospel of Christ (not just specifically Jew or Gentile) (v23) The foolishness of God is still wiser than men and God's weaknesses are also stronger than men (v25) God chose what is foolish in  the world to shame the wise (v27) God chose what is low and despised in the world and things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are (v28) This is so that no one would boast about themselves in the presence of God (v29) Christ Jesus became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption so that Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord (v31) Application I should trust in the power of His Word - as it is the power of God (v18) God chooses the foolish, the weak and low and despised as his people to be saved show...

Day 1 - 1 Cor 1:1-17

Observations (v4-9) Paul is thankful that God has blessed the people of Corinth greatly as they are all gifts from God (v5-7) Paul says that they have been enriched  in Christ in "speech and knowledge" so that we are never lacking any gift as we wait for our Lord Jesus Christ (v8) we are guiltless  for those who are in Christ Jesus (v12) The Corinth Christians were divided into factions on the basis of who had baptised them (v17) Paul considers baptism important, however it is secondary to the proclamation of the gospel   Application v5 Spiritual gifts are enrichment of speaking abilities, knowledge or skills that people had before they became Christian v7 Spiritual gifts are given as temporary provisions  until Christ returns We are also never lacking any gift  meaning that Christ will provide us with all that we need v8 We are already justified and even sanctified so no one will be able to bring a charge against me in judgement v17 There shou...