Day 12 - Consequences of unrepentant sin (1 Cor 5)


  • The Corinthians were suffering from sexual immorality. Not just any sexual immorality but that of incest. Paul heavily condemns this behaviour, saying that he is there with the Corinthians in spirit. However Paul also says that even such a sin like this is able to saved through the power of the Lord (v1-5)
  • Again Paul is emphasising that they should not boast. He uses the analogy of yeast and bread - saying that just like making bread, we should not use old yeast to make new bread. Therefore, we should throwaway the old (our worldly and sinful flesh) but instead take on Christ and his sacrifice on the cross. (v6-8)
  • Paul says that church discipline should be hard on those who call themselves Christian yet are still living in unrepentant sin. We are not to eat and talk with these people in the hope that this abandonment will lead them to see their sin. It is not something out of hate but rather out of love. It is important that this does NOT apply to unbelieving people. (v9-11)
  • Do not boast in yourself because it is Christ who has allowed me to throw away my old self and put on the new perfect righteousness that is Christ
  • Unrepentant sin is a deep and serious issue. It is a non-negotiable and there should be a sense of urgency in talking and discussing with anyone who is under sin but unaware or unwilling to repent.


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