Crazy Busy - Kevin Deyoung
Chapter 2: Three Dangers to Avoid
- We wake up most days not trying to serve, just trying to survive
- We have more opportunity than ever before
- The major danger from busyness isn't physical - its spiritual
- Danger:
- Busyness can ruin our joy
- As Christians we are to be: marked by joy, taste like joy and be filled with the fulness of joy
- Busyness is like a sin: kill it or it will be killing you
- Busyness can rob our hearts
- Busyness can be like thorns to a seed (parable of the sower)
- Thorn 1: "The cares of the world"
- Thorn 2: Desire for other things
- The seed of God's Word won't grow to fruitfulness without pruning for rest, quiet and calm
- Busyness can cover up the rot in our souls
- What does it say about me if I'm always overwhelmed?
- What do I need to learn about myself?
- What biblical promises am I not believing?
- What's going on in my soul, so that busyness comes out as my chief challenge every year?
- The presence of extreme busyness in our lives may point to deeper problems
Chapter 3: The Killer P's
- Our understanding of busyness must start with the one sin that begets so many other sins: pride
- Some branches of pride:
- People-please: This is a form of pride and narcissism
- Pats on the back
- Performance evaluation
- Possessions
- Proving myself: Ambition for our own glory must not be confused with ambition for God's glory
- Pity
- Poor planning
- Power
- Perfectionism
- Position
- Prestige
- Posting
- What to keep in mind: Am I trying to do good or to make myself look good?
- It's not supposed to be about me. Feed people, not your pride.
Chapter 4: The Terror of Total Obligation
- When it comes to good causes and good deeds, "do more or disobey" is not the best thing we can say
- I am not the Christ
- You are not the Messiah, so don't try to be
- There is good news
- The gospel is good news of great joy, and God is the only hope for the world
- Care is not the same as do
- We have different gifts and different callings
- Remember the church
- The only work that absolutely must be done in the world is Christ's work
- I can always pray now
- Don't let moments pass you by
- Trust God for the results, and more often than not, move on
- Jesus didn't do it all
- He did not try to do it all. Yet, he did everything God asked him to do
- We carry a cross that says I'll do anything to follow Christ, not a cross that says I have to do everything for Christ
Chapter 5: Mission Creep
- Jesus was terribly busy, but only with the things he was supposed to be doing
- Jesus knew the difference between urgent and important
- He understood that he could do a lot of things but they weren't necessarily the thing he ought to do
- Jesus knew his priorities and stuck with them
- Ultimately, Jesus was driven by the Spirit
- What are you priorities? What's your mission?
- We need to think about what ought to matter compared to what is mattering
- Three Truths:
- I must set priorities because I cannot do it all
- I must set priorities if I am to serve others effectively
- I must allow others to set their own priorities
Chapter 7: Deep Calls to Deep
amen amen amen