Why Trust the Bible? - Greg Gilbert

Chapter 1: Don't believe everything you read
  • As Christians we're called to be ready to defend the gospel (1 Peter 3:15)
  • Christianity isn't a leap of faith in terms of believing, it's a leap of faith in terms of relying on Jesus savings us from our sins
  • Why do you trust the bible ? is it just because you 'feel like it's true' ?
  • Historically accurate that Jesus died and rose --> ability to trust that the Bible is really the word of God
  • As Christian's we should be equipped with the knowledge to explain to someone who doesn't trust the Bible that our reason for believing in Christ is grounded and not merely something made-up by feeling
Chapter 2: Lost in translation?
  • Accurate translations are possible because there can be multiple ways to convey the same idea
  • Different translations doesn't mean that it is inaccurate, they actually allow us to easily separate what is clearly has been mistranslated or deliberately misinterpretation
  • Each translation reflects the inverse relationship of readability and accuracy 
    • The different translations (e.g. ESV vs NIV) are just at different points on this scale
Chapter 3: Copies and copies and copies
  • The argument that there has been many levels of translations from the original texts is false
    • This is because we can translate Hebrew/Greek to English directly, so at worst it is one translation
  • Although we no longer have the original manuscripts of the NT, writers and scribes in history took meticulous care of there books, and so copies from the original were probably made for centuries before they were lost
  • With logical and deductive reasoning, these variations can actually serve to bolstering up the validity of modern-day transmissions of the Bible
    • By assessing why various texts have deviated from one another (whether intentionally or by mistake) scholars are able to deduce what the original texts likely contained
    • 2 differing texts could be combined in various areas to create 1 text that is more reasonably and logically more accurate than either one on it's own
Chapter 4: Are these really the book you're looking for?

  • The biblical Canon was not chosen but rather it was passed down, that is, they were handed down
    • It was inherited all the way back to the apostles themselves
  • Measures of whether we can trust the Canon
    1. Apostolicity - written by apostle or someone close to an apostle. authority was given to those Jesus called apostles
    2. Antiquity - historically right time period
    3. Orthodoxy - truth must reflect the doctrine handed down from Jesus himself
    4. Universality - Christians in every part of the world used and valued
  • All books in our NT pass these 4 criteria otherwise they wouldn't have made it
Chapter 5: But can I trust you?
  • Can we trust what the apostles actually wrote?
  • Writers of fiction?
    • The gospels are clearly not in a fictional style. indeed Luke explicitly states that it was intended to be an accurate historical recount
  • Deceitful intent?
    • Most of the apostles died gruesome deaths. if it was a hoax they would've crumbled when death was the result of following Jesus or for making up the things about Jesus
  • Simply duped?
    • It was passed down as oral tradition only 27 years after Jesus' time and hence it is most likely very accurate
  • Utterly confused?
    • Discrepancies in the accounts doesn't mean nothing happened at all, especially since they are discrepancies of minor details. The authors are telling us what they believed happened.
Chapter 6: So did it happen?
  • The problem of miracles:
    • We can't say science proves that the miracles Jesus performed weren't real
    • If we've proven that what the authors wrote was genuinely what they saw, then them writing that Jesus walking on water is also accurate
    • Science back then wasn't to the point where they wouldn't have known if normal man could or couldn't walk on water
  • Why they believed Jesus was resurrected
    • They discovered that the body of Jesus was missing on Sunday morning
    • Jesus appeared to them after his death multiple times in physical form
  • Hence if Jesus was really resurrected from the dead, then the Bible is the Word of God

Other notes:
  • Jesus' resurrection actually affirms the validity of the Old Testament

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