Day 3: 1 Cor 2:1 - 10
- Paul did not proclaim his testimony with lofty speech or wisdom (v1)
- Paul's words were not in words of wisdom but to demonstrate the Spirit and of power so that faith wouldn't be on the wisdom of men but the power of God (v4-5)
- We do impart wisdom, but it is not a wisdom of this age (v6)
- Instead, it is a wisdom from God that the rulers of this age were unable to understand (v6-10)
- When teaching others about Christ, we should focus on the message of the cross so that they would put their faith in Christ rather than the ability of human messengers
- Salvation isn't from intellectual wisdom - it is from the power of the Holy Spirit
- We cannot understand God's infinite wisdom. God's spirit allows us to understand the message of the cross
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