Day 8 - How to Recognise the Holy Spirit (Part 1)

Summary of:

  • The presence of the Holy Spirit is perhaps our greatest blessing
  • When Paul refers to "walking in the spirit" he focuses not on the Spirit's gifts but on the Spirit's fruit
  • Therefore, we would do well in reflecting on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
  • We must also remember that Paul's list is not just for when we sit in isolation but also when we are with God's people
Love: Do you labour for the good of your brothers and sisters?
  • Our love no longer depends on finding something lovely; having felt hte love of Christ, we carry love wherever we go
  • Such love compels us to care more about our brother's spiritual welfare than our own
  • We gladly consider ourselves as servants
Joy: Do you delight in the Christlikness of God's people?
  • By faith, we have seen the glory of Christ - and now we delight to catch his reflection in the faces of his people
  • The pinnacle of our joy is not simply in being with God's people, but in seeing them look like Jesus
  • We rejoice when see humility triumph over pride, lust fall before a better pleasure and fathers lead their families in fear of the Lord
Peace: Do you strive to maintain the unity of the Spirit, even at significant personal cost?
  • No matter how different we may seem from anyone at church, we share a body, a home and a sanctuary because we share the same Lord
  • Therefore, we shouldn't grieve him by tearing down what he has built up but rather pursue what makes for peace
  • We ask for forgiveness first, even when the majority of the fault lies with the other person


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