Day 2: 1 Cor 1:18 - 31


  • The word of Christ is stupid to those who are perishing (non-Christians) but to those in Christ it is the power of God himself (v18)
  • God has made the wisdom of the world very foolish (v20)
  • Paul says that all are preached the gospel of Christ (not just specifically Jew or Gentile) (v23)
  • The foolishness of God is still wiser than men and God's weaknesses are also stronger than men (v25)
  • God chose what is foolish in  the world to shame the wise (v27)
  • God chose what is low and despised in the world and things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are (v28)
  • This is so that no one would boast about themselves in the presence of God (v29)
  • Christ Jesus became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption so that Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord (v31)
  1. I should trust in the power of His Word - as it is the power of God (v18)
  2. God chooses the foolish, the weak and low and despised as his people to be saved shows that salvation is not by people's performance, ancestry or by ANYTHING that man could do but SOLELY through Christ alone (v26-31)

Dear heavenly Father,
I am sorry for boasting in my own name rather than in yours. I'm sorry for taking credit where all credit should go to you and your power. Thank you for choosing me to be adopted into your family when I deserved nothing but death and condemnation. Lord in my darkest times, would you remind me that I am yours and that my salvation and strength doesn't come from my ability to perform, or how well I serve you, but from the blood of Jesus on the cross alone. Lord remind me of this truth daily, and let it humble my heart to not boast in my own name, but boast in the glorious work that was demonstrated through your son.


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