Day 4 - 1 Cor 2:11-16


  • No one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God (v11)
  • We didn't receive the spirit of the world, but instead the Spirit from God so that we can understand the things God has freely given us (v12)
  • Paul says we teach in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the spirit (v13)
    • Paul emphasises that only the Spirit can render the message of the cross clear to someone
    • Unbelievers don't have the ability to understand the things of God
  • Paul says it is not normal to accept the Spirit of God (v14)
    • Because we are sinners, we naturally disobey God and the things of the Spirit


  1. Since I am naturally a sinner I need to be reminded of Christ's love daily and to seek his wisdom instead of the world's
  2. I have to understand that non-believers are unable to understand the will of God because they haven't accepted his Spirit. This should remind me to be patient and loving just as Christ was


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