Day 1 - 1 Cor 1:1-17


  • (v4-9) Paul is thankful that God has blessed the people of Corinth greatly as they are all gifts from God
  • (v5-7) Paul says that they have been enriched in Christ in "speech and knowledge" so that we are never lacking any gift as we wait for our Lord Jesus Christ
  • (v8) we are guiltless for those who are in Christ Jesus
  • (v12) The Corinth Christians were divided into factions on the basis of who had baptised them
  • (v17) Paul considers baptism important, however it is secondary to the proclamation of the gospel 


  1. v5 Spiritual gifts are enrichment of speaking abilities, knowledge or skills that people had before they became Christian
  2. v7 Spiritual gifts are given as temporary provisions until Christ returns
  3. We are also never lacking any gift meaning that Christ will provide us with all that we need
  4. v8 We are already justified and even sanctified so no one will be able to bring a charge against me in judgement
  5. v17 There should be no division within the church about the non-essentials, since proclaiming the gospel is the main priority


  • I might be more thankful and grateful in 2020 with the spiritual gifts God has already blessed me with - I might be more content and trusting in the Lord's provision
  • I might continue have peace and be without division to all those in the church, with the goal of proclaiming the gospel as the most important thing


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