Day 6 - 1 Cor 3


  • Paul says that it is not wise to give advanced teachings to young and immature Christians. This is evident in how they quarrel about which specific christian leader they follow (v1-4)
  • However Paul says that in fact all Christian teachers are assigned by the Lord and it is actually God who does the growing in the people - NOT the leader. In fact Paul states that we are merely the workers in God's field and his building (v5-9)
  • When we work for Christ by laying the foundation and then God is the one who works and builds upon it (v10)
  • However it is important to note that we MUST lay the foundation that is Christ Jesus and nothing else. Any foundation (or work) done out of fleshly and worldly motivations is like wood, hay and straws which will burn and not survive. However, work that is out of Christlike faith and obedience will survive and be rewarded (v11-12)
  • Although Christians have already been saved, it doesn't mean we won't be judged, in fact it means we will still be judged by our works and rewarded accordingly (v14-15)
  • We should humble ourselves because the wisdom of this world is foolish. So we should not boast or be arrogant as it is the root of divisiveness. Paul teaches that we are ultimately belong to God and so should only boast in God (v18-23)
  1. God is the one who grows people, not me. Especially when serving, I need to remember it isn't about me and it isn't about what I can do, it is God's work that ultimately changes hearts.
  2. When teaching others, ensure that my foundation is Christ and not worldly things and ambitions


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