Day 5: Revealation 17-19
Sermon by Malcolm Gill:
- Sometimes we question where the judgement is for the wicked within this world - those that prosper (from worldly perspective) often don't face any judgement in this life, and this can be discouraging
- Rome in Revelation is idolising money and living a life apart from God and convincing others that they can be happy without God
- There is heavy prosecution to those who do not live apart from God (don't pay the Roman taxes and things of that sort)
- However, God's judgement is deserved, swift and complete (17:8-10)
- In a moment, all the wealth of the wicked will be gone (18:2)
- There is no rematch - Babylon is totally defeated and the judgement is swift and thorough
- The wicked - their judgement is deserved and one day their judgement is met
- Judgement of the wicked reveals God's character and it leads to worship
- The response from God's people is joy and celebration
- The wicked and their actions do not go unchecked - there is accountability
- God vindicates his people by remembering the crimes of Babylon (v5)
- Punishment reveals his deep love for his children who he has not forgotten about
- We should give thanks and praise for God's character for being so just
- We sing because his justice prevails
- God's character is just --> leads us to worship
- Come out from these worldly people (18:4)
- We have the same fallen condition as those who had fallen in Rome
- We are warned - don't get sucked in either
- Follow the lamb, don't follow the way of the world and step into holiness
- Rejoice because God does the avenging and will do that which is right
- Take time in our schedules to reflect and remember what the lamb has done
- Antidote to suffering is worship
- Reflect on what Jesus has done and the victory we have!
- I have deep assurance that Christ the lamb has conquered the grave
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