Day 11 - Imitating other Christians (1 Cor 4)


  • God will judge everyone. We should remember that it isn't us who judges people in their final day, it is in fact God.Therefore, we should not jpronounce judgement before the Lord comes. In fact, God will reveal and bring to light any darkness and will disclose all purposes of the heart (v2-5)
  • We should not put our own understanding beyond what is actually said in the Word of God. In fact, Paul is saying to the Corinthians that they have actually forgotten that all they have is from God - and therefore they should not boast. 
  • Paul then asks what do you have that you did not receive? - repeatedly asking this question fosters deep humility and thanksgiving (v6-7)
  • Paul implores us to imitate him and in fact, God has designed us to imitate other Christians, imperfect though they may be (v16)
  • Imitating Paul as Paul imitates Christ

  • Deep humility comes from repeatedly acknowledging that everything I have received I have received because of Christ, I need to constantly remind myself of this
  • God will judge everyone on that final day. He will reveal all that we have done and this should strike a holy fear into my heart of his power and pending judgement
Prayer points
  • That my understanding of God's gifts would breed and lead to great Christ-like humility


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