Day 9 - Hebrews 12:3

Points of observation

  • Our minds possess an amazing power to focus our attention on what we want to
  • The bible repeatedly calls us to use this gift
  • In Romans 8, Paul tells us to set our minds not on fleshly desires but on the treasures in heaven. Notably, if set our mind on this world we will die, but things of heaven leads to life
  • Often we are too passive in our pursuit of change and peace but in the New Testament, Paul shows us a far more aggressive approach to change
  • The mind is a window of the heart and if we let our hearts constantly dwell on the dark, then the heart will feel dark
  • In fact, the great capacity of our minds were designed to focus and consider Christ and how he endured great hostility on the cross for our souls
  1. Focus and use my energy on the heavenly things - especially when tempted by sins of this world
  2. When anxious, stressed or afraid, use the capacity of my mind to focus and consider Christ and know that he will give me rest


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