
Showing posts from March, 2020

Daily Devotional - Acts 7

Acts 7 Stephen goes before the Sanhedrin and retells the story of Abraham to Moses He highlights that the pharisees have always persecuted God's elected people and even though they say they are for God, their actions show that they are actually against him They have failed to obey his commands Stephen showed such great humility to even those that were trying to stone him - he understood that all of us are sinners and tried to show mercy and grace even to those trying to kill him

Daily Devotional - Ezra 7

Ezra 7 Ezra comes to Jerusalem and the hand of the Lord was on him (v6) Ezra observed the Law of the God (v10) King Artaxerxes gives Ezra authority to establish the Mosaic Law Ezra's mission was to teach God's statues and rules (v10 v11-28 shows how Artaxerxes supports Ezra by commissioning him and providing further for the temple It clearly shows how the hand of God was over Ezra at this time

Daily Devotional - Genesis 7; Matthew 7

Genesis 7 Noah is told to go into the ark and take 7 pairs of every kind of clean animal Noah obeyed to all the commands God had given him God flooded the entire earth - with the water was higher than all the mountains Everything on dry land died and every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty years Matthew 7 Judging Others Do not judge others because however we judge others, that too is how we will be judged Jesus tells the people why do we rebuke others when we are too guilty of the same sin - we are being hypocrites when we criticise others but fail to see our own sin Ask, Seek, Knock God is a God who answers prayer - v7-8 God is also a God of love and he cares for us - v9-12 The narrow road The Christian life is not easy, it is narrow and difficult but it leads to life (v14) However, the gate to worldliness and self-righteousness is easy to fall into but it leads to death and destruction (v1...

Daily Devotional - Ezra 6; Acts 6

Ezra 6 Details of the temple that is to be rebuilt is in exact measurements This shows God's precision and how detailed his holy place is It also demonstrates the holiness of God himself After they had finished building the temple, the people if Israel celebrated with joy The people praised God for allowing them to rebuild the temple and for allowing its completion Acts 6 They chose Stephen who was a man of God and was holy and righteous Stephen is captured and they produced false witnesses against him However, when they looked at Stephen he looked like an Angel

Daily Devotional - Genesis 6; Matthew 6

Genesis 6 The punishment for wickedness and evil is death  The human race is innately sinful because of the fall Noah showed faithfulness despite how 'crazy' God's plan might have seemed at the time (v22) Matthew 6 We should serve not infront of others for their reward but focus on the reward that is waiting for us in heave (v1) Give in secret and do not boast about how much you are giving, rather give with a heart that is forgetful and in secret (v2-4) When we pray, it isn't a public thing that we need to do to show others how spiritual we are. It is out words when we pray in secret that God hears (v5-8) Forgive others because he first forgave us (v14-15) Build up treasures in heaven and not this earth where it is temporary and fleeting (v19-21) We cannot have two things at our number 1 priority. It is either God or something that isn't God. (v24) Why do we worry? God cares about us infinitely more than the animals or flowers,  then why do we not t...

Daily Devotional - Gen. 5; Matt. 5; Ezra 5; Acts 5

Genesis 5 We were created in  likeness of God (v2) This chapter details the chronology from Adam to Noah. It shows me that God's plan is faithful and always has a perfect plan (and timing) for everything Matthew 5 The beatitudes say that the blessed people are Poor in spirit because they will see the kingdom of heaven Those who mourn because they will be comforted The meet for they will inherit the earth Hunger and thirst for righteousness Merciful for they will be shown mercy Peacemakers Pure in heart Persecuted because of righteousness Rejoice and be glad for our reward is in heaven (v12) We are the salt - that is, we cannot lose our salvation because it isn't by our efforts that we gain salvation - God's people are a chosen people and we can't lose our identity in Christ We are the light - that is we were meant to shine our light before others and glorify God because of our holiness Jesus came to fulfill the law (v17-20) God would rather us re...

Daily Devotional - Gen. 4; Matt. 4; Ezra 4; Acts 4

Genesis 4 Sin is dangerous. It is 'crouching at your door' and will always 'desire' to have us - but God tells us that through Christ we are to rule over it (v7) God is a righteous God (v15) The timeline and descendants of Cain and Abel are detailed (v17-24) Adam has another son named Enosh because Cain killed Abel (v25) Matthew 4 Even Jesus was tempted like us human beings We will not live just by eating and satisfying our stomachs - rather we live by knowing who God is and what he's done for us through his word (v4) Jesus was offered all the glorious riches of the earth (much like us today) - instead he revolted against Satan and knew the dangers of idolatry (v10) When Jesus called his disciples - they immediately left all that they were doing to follow Him (v19) Ezra 4 There was great opposition to the rebuilding of God's temple (v1-4) Xerxes and Artaxerxes convinced the Jews to stop rebuilding the kingdom (v5-24) Acts 4 Peter ...

Daily devotional - Gen. 3; Matt. 3; Ezra 3; Acts 3

Genesis 3 God called for Adam (the man) first, even though it was Eve (woman) who was the one that at the fruit first (v9) The wages and consequences of sin are grave and detailed from v14-19 Because we have sinned we will die (v22) Matthew 3 The kingdom of heaven (Christ) is available for us to approach if we repent (v2) Christians who have truly repented should be bearing fruit! (v10) Christ baptises us with the Holy Spirit (v11) We are confirmed that Christ is God's son, and if God is pleased (like in Gen), then he is also perfect - without blemish (v17) Ezra 3 The Israelites rebuilt the alter according to Law  because they knew it had to be specifically done the way God wanted (v1-6) Then they began rebuilding the temple, and celebrated when the foundation was laid (v10) Acts 3 Peter heals the lame beggar through the power of Holy Spirit (v6) The man then didn't praise Peter, but instead praised God who is the one who enabled him to be healed...

Daily devotional - Gen. 2; Matt. 2; Ezra 2; Acts 2

Genesis 2 God rested on the sabbath and made it holy (v2-3) It is evident that since the start of the first human (Adam), we were meant to work and take care of God's creation - not to be lazy (v15) It is important to note that before the fall, there was no shame (v25) Heaven will be like this garden of Eden before sin. There will be no more shame, just like how even now on this earth we can live with no shame because of Christ on the cross. Matthew 2 God continues to be faithful to his own word and promises (v5, 15) This chapter is full of recounts of Joseph's faithfulness to God (v21) but also of God being faithful to his people God will lead his people to exactly where they need to be and when they need to be there. His timing is perfect Ezra 2 The list shows that the exiled Judeans responded to Cyrus's decree and took it as a fulfillment of prophecy. The return is not just end of the exile but also a reoccupation of their ancient homeland They gave...

Daily devotional - Gen. 1; Matt. 1; Ezra 1; Acts 1

Gen 1 God created everything and saw that it was good. God's creations (the things on this earth) are a gift from Him God created us in His perfect image (Gen 1:27, 31) We are commanded to be fruitful and to multiply (v28) God will provide us with everything that we need (v29) Matthew 1 14 generations from Abraham to David, 14 from David to exile to Babylon and 14 from the exile to Christ (v17) The purpose of Christ was to save us from our sins (v21) God fulfill's all  his promises and Christ is just another one those promises (v22) Joseph shows obedience to God when called upon by his angel (v24) Ezra 1 King Cyrus of Persia declares that the Jewish exiles may return to Jerusalem and rebuild the ruined temple The book of Ezra is the story of God's work to fulfill his promises of bringing back His people from exile and establishing them again in their land (v1) The exiled people gather money and materials for the temple (v5-11) God's faithfulness...