Daily Devotional - Genesis 6; Matthew 6
Genesis 6
- The punishment for wickedness and evil is death
- The human race is innately sinful because of the fall
- Noah showed faithfulness despite how 'crazy' God's plan might have seemed at the time (v22)
Matthew 6
- We should serve not infront of others for their reward but focus on the reward that is waiting for us in heave (v1)
- Give in secret and do not boast about how much you are giving, rather give with a heart that is forgetful and in secret (v2-4)
- When we pray, it isn't a public thing that we need to do to show others how spiritual we are. It is out words when we pray in secret that God hears (v5-8)
- Forgive others because he first forgave us (v14-15)
- Build up treasures in heaven and not this earth where it is temporary and fleeting (v19-21)
- We cannot have two things at our number 1 priority. It is either God or something that isn't God. (v24)
- Why do we worry? God cares about us infinitely more than the animals or flowers, then why do we not trust that God will provide for us? (v25-27)
- A lack of faith in God leads to worry - grow your faith in God's provision and that will allow us to trust Him more.
- Worrying doesn't do anything for us - it doesn't change anything (v27)
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