Daily Devotional - Gen. 5; Matt. 5; Ezra 5; Acts 5

Genesis 5

  • We were created in likeness of God (v2)
  • This chapter details the chronology from Adam to Noah. It shows me that God's plan is faithful and always has a perfect plan (and timing) for everything
Matthew 5
  • The beatitudes say that the blessed people are
    • Poor in spirit because they will see the kingdom of heaven
    • Those who mourn because they will be comforted
    • The meet for they will inherit the earth
    • Hunger and thirst for righteousness
    • Merciful for they will be shown mercy
    • Peacemakers
    • Pure in heart
    • Persecuted because of righteousness
  • Rejoice and be glad for our reward is in heaven (v12)
  • We are the salt - that is, we cannot lose our salvation because it isn't by our efforts that we gain salvation - God's people are a chosen people and we can't lose our identity in Christ
  • We are the light - that is we were meant to shine our light before others and glorify God because of our holiness
  • Jesus came to fulfill the law (v17-20)
  • God would rather us reconcile with our brothers and sisters before even going to worship and praise him (v23-24)
  • We are to make peace with others as soon as possible and not drag it out (v25-26)
  • We need to be radical when it comes to sin - it is a serious problem and we need to take it seriously (v27-30)
  • Marriage is a commitment and unless adultery is committed the covenant must remain in tact (v31-32)
  • We are not to retaliate to people by being mean and trying to hurt them back - instead we are to be loving, and in servitude of them (v38-42)
  • Pray for those who persecute you (v44)
  • Its easy to love those who love you, but its hard to love those that hate you. We are to be loving to all because Christ loves all (v46-48)
Ezra 5

  • God's people are questioned for rebuilding God's temple
  • God watches over his people and allowed them to continue working even under suspicion 
Acts 5
  • God sees all and we can't hide things even in our heart as he knows our heart (v1-4)
  • The Apostles began to heal many people and they turned to praise God also (v12-16)
  • The Apostles are arrested because of jealousy (v17)
  • Peter declares that as Christians we should obey God and not human beings (v29)
  • The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. 42 Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.
  1. Reconciling with others is of utmost importance
  2. Pray for those who persecute or against me
  3. Rejoicing even in suffering - because we are doing it for Christ and it will not be in vain


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