Daily devotional - Gen. 1; Matt. 1; Ezra 1; Acts 1

Gen 1

  • God created everything and saw that it was good. God's creations (the things on this earth) are a gift from Him
  • God created us in His perfect image (Gen 1:27, 31)
  • We are commanded to be fruitful and to multiply (v28)
  • God will provide us with everything that we need (v29)
Matthew 1
  • 14 generations from Abraham to David, 14 from David to exile to Babylon and 14 from the exile to Christ (v17)
  • The purpose of Christ was to save us from our sins (v21)
  • God fulfill's all his promises and Christ is just another one those promises (v22)
  • Joseph shows obedience to God when called upon by his angel (v24)
Ezra 1
  • King Cyrus of Persia declares that the Jewish exiles may return to Jerusalem and rebuild the ruined temple
  • The book of Ezra is the story of God's work to fulfill his promises of bringing back His people from exile and establishing them again in their land (v1)
  • The exiled people gather money and materials for the temple (v5-11)
  • God's faithfulness is shown through the testimony of the preservation of not only his people but also the materials they would need to rebuild a temple of worship (v9)
Acts 1
  • We are baptised with the Holy Spirit (v5)
  • We must trust in God's perfect timing because he is the one who has authority (v7)
  • As Christians who have received the Holy Spirit, we are now witnesses of Christ to all the nations (v8)
  • Christ will return (v11)
  • Again it is shown that God fulfills his promises (v20)
  • Important ministry and Godly decisions require prayer - the apostles used prayer more than anything to discern the replacement for Judas (v24-25)
  1. I can have joy in knowing that we are created in God's perfect image, so we have a purpose in this life - we weren't a mistake
  2. God has constantly proven that he fulfills his promises - he is trustworthy
  3. God is faithful to his people
  4. Christ will return


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