Daily devotional - Gen. 3; Matt. 3; Ezra 3; Acts 3

Genesis 3

  • God called for Adam (the man) first, even though it was Eve (woman) who was the one that at the fruit first (v9)
  • The wages and consequences of sin are grave and detailed from v14-19
  • Because we have sinned we will die (v22)

Matthew 3
  • The kingdom of heaven (Christ) is available for us to approach if we repent (v2)
  • Christians who have truly repented should be bearing fruit! (v10)
  • Christ baptises us with the Holy Spirit (v11)
  • We are confirmed that Christ is God's son, and if God is pleased (like in Gen), then he is also perfect - without blemish (v17)
Ezra 3
  • The Israelites rebuilt the alter according to Law because they knew it had to be specifically done the way God wanted (v1-6)
  • Then they began rebuilding the temple, and celebrated when the foundation was laid (v10)
Acts 3
  • Peter heals the lame beggar through the power of Holy Spirit (v6)
  • The man then didn't praise Peter, but instead praised God who is the one who enabled him to be healed (v8)
  • Peter gives all credit to Jesus and the work of God (Jesus' death and resurrection) instead of himself (v11-16)
  • When we repent our sins are wiped out and that time of refreshing may come from the Lord 
  • Disobedience from God means we a 'completely cut off' from being his people (v23)


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