Daily Devotional - Genesis 7; Matthew 7

Genesis 7

  • Noah is told to go into the ark and take 7 pairs of every kind of clean animal
  • Noah obeyed to all the commands God had given him
  • God flooded the entire earth - with the water was higher than all the mountains
  • Everything on dry land died and every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out
  • The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty years
Matthew 7

  • Judging Others
    • Do not judge others because however we judge others, that too is how we will be judged
    • Jesus tells the people why do we rebuke others when we are too guilty of the same sin - we are being hypocrites when we criticise others but fail to see our own sin
  • Ask, Seek, Knock
    • God is a God who answers prayer - v7-8
    • God is also a God of love and he cares for us - v9-12
  • The narrow road
    • The Christian life is not easy, it is narrow and difficult but it leads to life (v14)
    • However, the gate to worldliness and self-righteousness is easy to fall into but it leads to death and destruction (v13)
  • True and False Disciples
    • God cares about the heart not just the physical duties that we do (v21-23)
  • God as our true foundation
    • Those who have their foundations in Christ and his work on the cross will not be shaken because their ultimate hope is on a rock that never changes
    • However those who find their assurance in the things of this world which are temporary, will be shaky (v24-29)


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