
Showing posts from April, 2020

BTY - How to trick your mind into doing hard things

Dopamine plays a key role in deciding what be desire Our brain places priorities based on things that release the most dopamine We release dopamine when we anticipate things that will make us happy The highest dopamine is released when we get an unexpected reward for something Homeostasis means that our bodies require a balance This means we develop a 'tolerance' for dopamine Things that are hard and release dopamine become even less attractive to do since we are used to getting a high level The answer: Dopamine Detox Pick a date to be free from all dopamine  For one day: NO: Internet Phone Computer Music Masturbation Junk Food Yes: Walk Meditate Reflect Journal Track low dopamine activities Reward yourself with high dopamine activities AFTER 1 hour low dopamine = 15 minutes high dopamine

The Meaning of Marriage - Timothy Keller

Chapter 2: The Power FOR Marriage Often I find myself serving others to gain a moral high-ground. This is not service, but rather it is just manipulation . At the root of this, is a self-centred pride issue. However, the gospel message liberates me to receive anything when I give to others. The death of Jesus, who joyfully and willingly sacrificed his life to clean my slate allows me to freely give and  freely receive Self-centredness makes you blind to your own sin while being hypersensitive by that of others We need Christ's Spirit to constantly be filling our souls so that we have enough love to allow us to love our spouse even when I'm not getting much affection or kindness I only find happiness after I put the happiness of my spouse ahead of my own - however this needs to be in a sustained way , that is in response to what Jesus has done for me Understand what Jesus has done for me --> liberated from needing to be defined by things of this world --> freely g...