BTY - How to trick your mind into doing hard things
- Dopamine plays a key role in deciding what be desire
- Our brain places priorities based on things that release the most dopamine
- We release dopamine when we anticipate things that will make us happy
- The highest dopamine is released when we get an unexpected reward for something
- Homeostasis means that our bodies require a balance
- This means we develop a 'tolerance' for dopamine
- Things that are hard and release dopamine become even less attractive to do since we are used to getting a high level
The answer: Dopamine Detox
- Pick a date to be free from all dopamine
- For one day:
- NO:
- Internet
- Phone
- Computer
- Music
- Masturbation
- Junk Food
- Yes:
- Walk
- Meditate
- Reflect
- Journal
- Track low dopamine activities
- Reward yourself with high dopamine activities AFTER
- 1 hour low dopamine = 15 minutes high dopamine
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