2 Timothy 3:1-16 ~ Make the main thing the main thing

Sermon by Mal Gill: https://www.smbc.edu.au/resources/bibletalks/make-the-main-thing-the-main-thing

  • There are often things in the Christian community that is okay to change
  • However there is a danger that we follow too many fads and we should always be changing things
  • There are negotiable things that can and should change
    • Format of preaching
    • Location and time of service
  • There are certain things that MUST remain and CANNOT change
    • "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing"
  • What are the non-negotiables? In a world of Christian fads, what must the gospel worker stick with?
3 Constants that need to be instilled in any personal life of the believer
  1. We need to stick with what we know
    • Gospel ministry requires character to match your conviction and competencies
    • We can't say one thing and then do another
    • If you are going to stick with the Christian ministry - 
    • Section of paraenesis- Paul is like a parent to Timothy
    • 9 virtues of what gospel centred life looks like
    • Paul is saying that his teaching matches his life
    • The Christian life is not easy - as lived out by Paul
    • Psalm 34:17-18
      • The righteous will undergo hard times but the Lord will vindicate them
  2. We stick not only with what we know but also what we've learnt
    • The things we've learnt - hold onto these
    • Reflect on what we have learned
    • In infancy we can still be shaped and molded by the Word of God
    • We need to be embedded with the core truths that our minds would be shaped that no matter what comes we would be able to navigate our own lives
  3. We stick with what DOES NOT change
    • We need to anchor ourselves to the core truths


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