2 Timothy 3:1-16 ~ Make the main thing the main thing
Sermon by Mal Gill: https://www.smbc.edu.au/resources/bibletalks/make-the-main-thing-the-main-thing
- There are often things in the Christian community that is okay to change
- However there is a danger that we follow too many fads and we should always be changing things
- There are negotiable things that can and should change
- Format of preaching
- Location and time of service
- There are certain things that MUST remain and CANNOT change
- "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing"
- What are the non-negotiables? In a world of Christian fads, what must the gospel worker stick with?
3 Constants that need to be instilled in any personal life of the believer
- We need to stick with what we know
- Gospel ministry requires character to match your conviction and competencies
- We can't say one thing and then do another
- If you are going to stick with the Christian ministry -
- Section of paraenesis- Paul is like a parent to Timothy
- 9 virtues of what gospel centred life looks like
- Paul is saying that his teaching matches his life
- The Christian life is not easy - as lived out by Paul
- Psalm 34:17-18
- The righteous will undergo hard times but the Lord will vindicate them
- We stick not only with what we know but also what we've learnt
- The things we've learnt - hold onto these
- Reflect on what we have learned
- In infancy we can still be shaped and molded by the Word of God
- We need to be embedded with the core truths that our minds would be shaped that no matter what comes we would be able to navigate our own lives
- We stick with what DOES NOT change
- We need to anchor ourselves to the core truths
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