
Showing posts from October, 2019

2 Timothy 3:1-16 ~ Make the main thing the main thing

Sermon by Mal Gill: There are often things in the Christian community that is okay to change However there is a danger that we follow too many fads and we should always be changing things There are negotiable things that can and should change Format of preaching Location and time of service There are certain things that MUST remain and CANNOT change "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing" What are the non-negotiables? In a world of Christian fads, what must the gospel worker stick with? 3 Constants that need to be instilled in any personal life of the believer We need to stick with what we know Gospel ministry requires character to match your conviction and competencies We can't say one thing and then do another If you are going to stick with the Christian ministry -  Section of paraenesis- Paul is like a parent to Timothy 9 virtues of what gospel ...

Soon - Hillsong

Soon and very soon My King is coming Robed in righteousness And crowned with love When I see Him I shall be made like Him Soon and very soon At the time of judgement and in heaven we will be made like Christ in all his righteousness Soon and very soon I'll be going To the place He has prepared for me There my sin erased My shame forgotten Soon and very soon God is preparing a place for his people in heaven There, there will be no more sin, no shame I will be with the One I love With unveiled face I'll see Him There my soul will be satisfied Soon and very soon In heaven, there will be true satisfaction it is coming very soon Soon and very soon See the procession The angels and the elders 'Round the throne At His feet I'll lay my crowns My worship Soon and very soon Though I have not seen Him My heart knows Him well Jesus Christ the Lamb The Lord of heaven I haven't seen Jesus yet but his Word shows me everything I need to know while on this earth I will be with the O...

James 5:13-20

Key points When we're suffering our first response should be prayer When we're cheerful our first response should be praise A prayer of faith will save the one who is sick A prayer of faith is also how we repent and He forgives our sins We are encouraged to pray for one another so that we might all be healed There is comfort in knowing that the prayer of a righteous person (we are all righteous through Christ) has GREAT power We are encouraged to bring others who may have strayed from the path, back to the correct path Reflection I often don't look to God when I first face trouble or struggles. I should be comforted in knowing that when I go to God, he posses great power to actually respond and listen to my prayer I should be regularly praying for others and their sins (this involves asking others how to pray for them) When things are going well - am I praising God or myself?