Keller: Psalm 59:1-7

Day 10


  • Because of technology today, it is easier than ever to to use our words to hurt others
  • We are also much more likely to do so because of the anonymity that social media and the internet grants us
  • However, every word - even the careless ones is an indicator of what is at heart
  • More often than not, even when I say that "I don't really means something", I actually do.

  1.  What I say matters, especially face to face. I need to always be mindful of what I'm saying to others
  2. Reflect on my the things I say to other people - what does it say about my own heart?
  1. That God might save me from my own desires to sin and to show the flaws of my character
  2. My words might be honest, few, wise and encouraging to others


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