1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Day 15
How do we walk by the spirit?

  • We must be persuaded and completely convinced that we cannot live the godly life apart from the Holy Spirit. 
  • We must surrender. Knowing the truth and doing the truth are two separate things. Once we're convinced we need the Holy Spirit, we must bring our whole life to him in genuine sacrifice
  • We must trust the Lord. We won't ever fully surrender our lives unless we know for sure that He will keep his Word
    • If there is doubt in God's love, acceptance and power, then our fleshly nature will seek to hold onto our old sinful ways
Prayer points
  1. Help me soften my heart and to humble me to be reminded of your saving grace
  2. Help me to respond to this grace by surrendering my life
  3. Help me to continue to trust in the Lord and to trust his promises through the Word


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