James 1:1-18: Trials are designed to produce spiritual maturity


  • Trials = tests that challenge faith
  • Trials should be viewed of as joyful (despite any pain they might cause)
  • This is because trials are designed to produce spiritual maturity and should therefore be counted as joy
  • Joy is not just worldly joy, but the enduring. "complete joy" in the Lord who is sovereign
  • These trials will produce steadfastness --> so that we might be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing
  • Steadfastness = faithful endurance amid troubles and afflictions
  • Believers are to have an undivided faith, asking for wisdom from our ever-wise all-generous God
  • Wisdom = God-given, God-centred discernment regarding the practical issues in life
  • Wisdom comes from prayer for God's help
  • We are to ask in faith - which is a settled trust and confidence in God, based on his character and promises as revealed in Scripture
  • Doubting God's goodness is dishonouring to him
  • A person who doubts Him, should not expect to receive anything from the Lord because they aren't sure if God is good or if he will do good
  • Both poverty and riches bring pressure to focus on the world rather than on Christ
  • The poor should boast in their high status in Christ
  • The rich should boast in their humiliation by seeing that, (1) their wealth is temporary and (2) by identifying with the poor in their affliction
  • The reward for faithful perseverance is eternal life, with all it's abundant blessings
  • God tests his people, but he never tempts his people
  • Tests are designed to strengthen his followers
  • God would never entice his people to sin (temptation)
  • As such, Christians should never blame God when we do wrong
  • Desire --> sin --> death
  1. Every trial that I face is a test that God has placed in my life to strengthen my spiritual maturity - so I should be joyful that he has given me this opportunity to grow and love him more
  2. In these trials, when I don't know what to do, I should just pray for wisdom. More specifically, pray for God's help and his wisdom to convict me to know what to do

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