James 1:1-18: Trials are designed to produce spiritual maturity
v2-4) Trials = tests that challenge faith Trials should be viewed of as joyful (despite any pain they might cause) This is because trials are designed to produce spiritual maturity and should therefore be counted as joy Joy is not just worldly joy, but the enduring. "complete joy" in the Lord who is sovereign These trials will produce steadfastness --> so that we might be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing Steadfastness = faithful endurance amid troubles and afflictions v5-6) Believers are to have an undivided faith, asking for wisdom from our ever-wise all-generous God Wisdom = God-given, God-centred discernment regarding the practical issues in life Wisdom comes from prayer for God's help We are to ask in faith - which is a settled trust and confidence in God, based on his character and promises as revealed in Scripture v7-8) Doubting God's goodness is dishonouring to him A person who doubts Him, should not expect to receive anythin...