Psalm 55:9 - 19 ~ A call for prayer

How do I react when extraordinary pain or stress comes my way?

  • David prays (v17)
  • In fact, he prays 3 times a day, showing his dedication and the need to pray
  • When we call to God, he will save us (v16)
  • God hears our prayers and is a God that will never change (v18)
  • Stop thinking that I am the one who can get through the struggles and difficulties of life - instead pray and trust that God's strength will carry me through
  • Trust that God will hear my prayers and answer them in a way that is most beneficial for me and his glory (not necessarily what I want)
Lord, I lean on my own strength too often. I think that I am in control and that my own will and discipline will be able to make things okay. Although it may seem like I have it under control, Lord would you change my heart to realise that it is actually you who is in control. It is you who has ultimate authority and you who has the best plan for me. Lord remind me daily that my pan is never the best one. I pray that I would come to you in humble and genuine prayer always. Lord help me see that your abundant riches are given to those who ask for it. Please lead me and strengthen me to come to you with my needs daily and to rely solely on the grace and love that you have already shown me through the cross. 

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