Psalm 55:20 - 23 ~ casting your cares on the Lord

  • We must cast our 'cares' or worries on the Lord
  • However, the result isn't that God will take them away or take away the troubles, the word that is used is sustains
  • This means God will provide us with the strength to handle them
  • "But as for me, I trust in you"
  • In moments where we don't know what will happen - we need to trust in God, and not in ourselves
  1. We should look to our Saviour, who suffered betrayal and rejection patiently and prayerfully in order to save us - hence we must endure hardship patiently, trusting in him
  2. Cast my worries on Him, and let Him sustain me through it - not rely on my own strength
Lord, I worry so often because I'm too proud to admit that you know better for me than myself. Teach me to cast my burdens not on my own strength, but on you - leaving them in your all-powerful hands and wisdom.

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