Philippians 3:1-11
- Look out for the evildoers who mean us harm
- We worship the Spirit of God and all glory and confidence goes to him and not to the flesh
- Paul counts all gain as loss for the sake of Christ
- All the worldly things (fleshly things) that he has gained he counts as nothing when compared to Christ
- In fact, he regards knowing Christ as the most important thing in this world - more than anything this world could offer
- All the things that Paul endures is for Christ
- More importantly, all the things he has given up in this life because of Christ he counts as nothing compared to knowing and gaining salvation through Christ
- We don't have righteousness through ourselves and through what we do in the law
- No, instead we have righteous that comes through faith in Christ
- Righteousness depends on faith not on works
- Paul welcomes suffering - knowing the power that Christ holds over death through the resurrection
- That by any means necessary he would attain the same resurrection even if it means giving up his life for Christ
- My righteousness depends on my faith and love for Christ and his death for me - not on how much I serve, or how much I give.
- Am I living a life that reflects that I'm willing and ready to give up everything for Christ?
Prayer points
- That my relationship with Christ wouldn't be defined by how consistent my devotionals are, or how much I serve others - but it would be reflected in my love for Jesus first and foremost
- I would be transformed and convicted to live my life solely for Christ and his kingdom and not my own agenda