Philippians 2:19-30 ~ Serving others out of genuine care


  • Paul describes Timothy as someone who is 'genuinely concerned for your welfare'
  • Am I concerned with the welfare of my brothers and sisters - and more importantly, is it a genuine concern or just one that is self seeking?
  • Paul shows that we will encounter people (even Christians) who are self-seeking and that their concern will not be for your soul but so that they can profit
  • Paul describes what a disciple might look like
  • Specifically - a worker, soldier, messenger and minister
  • Epaphroditus is "longing for you all" - the language is one of genuine concern, much like what was mentioned in v20
  • God uses our brothers and sisters to allow us to rejoice in God and his power and what he is able to accomplish
  • Indeed it even makes Paul "less anxious"
  • We are to receive our brothers and sisters "with joy" and to honour such faithful men
  • For it is the work of Christ that has allowed them to be so
  1. Am I self-seeking and concerned with my own interests when I care for others? do I 'care' for them so that I might look better in-front of them or they might respect me more?

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