Philippians 2:12-18 ~ A life of joyful suffering


  • Paul encourages us to continue to 'work out our own salvation' with fear and trembling
  • This fear is more of an awe for God and his power
  • It brings comfort that we have an all-powerful creator who cares and loves us unconditionally
  • This should also motivate me to trust him 
  • Paul reminds us not to grumble or dispute when we work for the Lord
  • It is a privilege and great opportunity when we are working for God's glory and kingdom
  • We should not spoil it with bitterness or discontentment
  • As such, we will stand out when we adopt and transform our hearts in this way
  • We stand out and 'shine as lights in the world' because this is not what the world tells us to do
  • Paul gives us a way to deal with those times - namely, he tells us to hold fast to the Word
  • When we do so, it means that God will comfort and be there for us when we do go through difficulties
  • Paul is comforted knowing that all his labours will be worth it on the day of Jesus' return
  • Even if Paul dies, he will still rejoice because he knows that he is going to a better place
  • As such, he approaches hardships with a joy that is different - but also rooted in the unshakable foundation that is Christ
  1. God is all-powerful and all-loving and he cares for me - this should comfort me in times of trouble
  2. Even if I suffer, I should still joyful because I know that it will grow me and that all work that will not be in vain

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