Psalm 55:1-8 ~ The temptation to flee from Christ


  • David is pleading with God to hear his prayers
  • His desperation show how much dependency he has and how hard he is struggling at this time
  • David shows that what is on his mind is the stresses of being a king
  • His enemies and their anger have tempted him in many ways and have brought him great anxiety and anguish
  • David is terrified because of his enemies and of what they may do to him
  • He is "trembling" and the incredibly fearful
  • If David had wings he would abandon this and "fly away" like a dove
  • His impulse is to flee the trouble and pain and to go elsewhere
  • Is this how I approach anxiety and troubles in my life?
  • In David's case, fleeing would look like abandoning his position as king and letting someone else assume the stress he is under
  • However, Christ has given him his position, and so there is no shelter apart from God
  • We must continue to trust in him
  • In fact, anywhere that isn't with God, is a place of great danger
Dear heavenly father, so often I'm tempted to just abandon all responsibilities you have given me. Being your servant is so hard, and even though your Word tells me that this is part of following you, I often lose hope. You've given me so many great opportunities to glorify your name: through work, through uni, through my relationship. Continue to instil in my heart, a passion and fire that wants nothing more than to glorify you. Give me courage to persevere through times I want to give up and remind me of your truth and love that never fails. Lord, in your presence, while I know living for you is hard, living without you, is infinitely harder. Continue to show me that you are the only source of comfort and support and keep my walk on the path of life.
In Jesus' name,

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