Psalm 53 ~ Overcoming anxiety


  • There is no one who is righteous, no one who deserves to be saved - not one
  • God looks down on the earth to see if there is anyone who seek Him and understand perfectly
  • However, we have all turned away and become corrupt
  • As God's people, why are we still in great terror when there is nothing to be terrified of?
  • This is an attitude that something is sure to go wrong even though we have no reason to believe it will
  • It  reflects a lack of faith and trust that God will provide
  • God promises he will restore the fortunes for his people
  • Why do I not trust that God will remain faithful even if things go wrong?
Lord, I'm so often forgetful of what you've done for me on the cross. You have defeated sin and condemnation and death, so that I might be assured of my salvation through Christ. While there may be difficult and unknown times on this earth, would you remind me daily of your cross and fill my heart with faith and devotion to you. Remind me, remind me of all of these truths so that I may truly rest in you and nothing of my own doing. 

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