Psalm 52:5-9 ~ How to last


  • God's judgement and power is demonstrated here and it shows what he is capable of doing
  • Do I fear God enough?


  • Those who trust in great wealth and success at the expense of others will face judgement and downfall
  • Success due to pride and ruthlessness never lasts
  • However, to trust in God's steadfast, gracious love and to know him in prayer and be rooted in a community of believers is how to last
Dear heavenly father, teach my heart that the only safety and protection is in you. As I rely on my own power and ability, humble me to know that I can do nothing without you Lord. Give me the courage and ability to warn all my brothers and sisters who are living as if they don't need you. Use me to speak your word of unfailing love.
In your Sons name,

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