Luke 18:1-14 ~ The one who humbles himself will be exalted
- We are called to pray earnestly and consistently and to not lose heart
- If God has rescued us from our suffering and injustice in this world, then will he be patient as he sees his children suffer? - of course not!
- When Jesus returns, he will be looking for those who are persistent as well as those who are praying and watchful of Him
- We shouldn't be like the Pharisees who beat their chest in their own righteousness and treated others with contempt
- Rather than thanking God for what God has done for him, the Pharisee arrogantly brags to God about his own moral purity - why am I so often self-righteous in my own deeds, comparing myself to others?
- There is great contrast between the tax collector and the Pharisee
- The tax collector depended on God's mercy and not his own merits and efforts (because he had failed in that regard) and as a result received God's gift of righteousness and was pronounced justified
- Am I praying and depending on God like Jesus is saying? or am I just relying on my own merits?
- God doesn't care how much we do for him, as long as we love the person that is Christ and genuinely come to him like the tax collector - do I pray and come to God earnestly or am I just doing it to make myself feel better and to build my own self-righteousness?