Luke 14 - The cost of following Christ

v11) Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted

  • Jesus shows the Pharisees that we must humble ourselves and not be proud or boastful in ourselves, otherwise God will humble ourselves
  • How many times have I been prideful about my own abilities - thinking that I deserve the glory and not God?
v13-14) We will be repaid with the riches of righteousness
  • Jesus reminds us that when we serve the needy out of a heart of love - we will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous (when Jesus returns)
v25-33) Be ready to give up everything to follow Christ
  • If we value and place anything above Christ we cannot claim to fully and solely love Christ whole-heartedly
  • Jesus warns us that if we love family, relationships and literally anything more than God, we do not truly love Christ
  • Before we commit to Christ, we must count and be fully aware of what it will cost to fully follow Jesus
  • It isn't good enough to only give half of ourselves - we must give everything to Jesus
  • Do I love my life too much?
  • Is my ongoing concerns about uni, work and relationships, and indicator that I love those things (gifts God's given me) more than I love following the person of Christ and what love he's shown me?
  1. I worry so much about my relationship being for Christ that I've started to idolise it more than Christ himself
  2. Love the Man that is Christ, not the rules we must follow
Dear heavenly father, I know that the past few days have been crushing and I have idolised and placed uni and study above you. Lord change my heart, and teach me to love you more than anything in this world. Teach me that you are always in control. I pray that for the next wave of trials in my life, I would have my foundations built on the rock of Christ, that when the storms of the world come again, I would maintain my strength in you. Lord I pray this passage over my life and be reminded that I must be ready to give up everything to follow you. Please, help me to let go of idolising my relationship with Jess and to love you more than my relationship.

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