It ain't no Hoax!

Acts 21:27 - 23:11

  • if Christianity is a hoax then it would be a very tragic joke
  • the only reason I believe in the Word of God, is because Jesus resurrected
  • It is what we bank our hopes on

  • By Like for Thofephilis to convince him that Christianity is not a hoax
  • Look at the beginning of Luke

  • Paul is in serious trouble
  • he is close to being beaten to death
  • since he brought a gentile to the Jewish temple

  • Paul is so close to being lynched by the angry mob
  • the Roman commander saves and takes him to the barracks

  • Paul asks for a favour
  • it's a weird favour - he asks to speak to the people that are trying to kill him
  • Roman commander has an opportunity to see what's going on

  • Paul speaks in the crowds native language
  • Paul tells them his testimony
  • He too lived a life as a Pharisee and a zealous Jew
  • Paul says how he encountered God and the risen Lord Jesus
  • Event confirmed by his companion
  • nothing he says enrages the Jews 

  • But when Paul says Jesus said to him to take the gospel to the gentiles, the crowd get very mad
  • Jesus says that the Jews will not accept his testimony
  • Paul must be very bold to mention gentiles to the angry Jews

  • commander interrogates Paul to get to the bottom of what's going on
  • we have to understand he is about to get flogged and it compares nothing to the torture he endured before
  • however Paul is a citizen so it is illegal to torture him without a trial

  • Paul is brought to the Sanhedrin
  • They make rules for the life of the Jew
  • He declares that his conscience is clear
  • God has already judged him and vindicated him
  • Paul gets slapped and insults the high priest
  • But Paul realises this and apologises

  • Paul is quick on his feet
  • the Sanhedrin is made of Pharisees and Sadducees
  • He adds fire to the meeting so he can escape
  • says he is a Pharisee and is a trial for his belief in the gospel (death and resurrection) 
  • Sadducees don't believe in angels, resurrection etc. 
  • Pharisees side with Paul to defend the resurrection and fight against the Sadducees
  • Jesus' message is to take courage
  • Sends him off to Rome

Possible conclusions about Paul
  1. He is a liar and he didn't actually see the risen Lord Jesus
  2. He was mistaken and he lost his mind. Unintentionally, he is delusional
  3. He is telling the truth


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