Luke 12:35-59

v35) Be ready and watchful for Christ

  • We are servants waiting for our master to return
  • We need to be ready that as soon as he returns, we will open the door to Him
  • Watchfulness for ANY time of day - stay on guard!
v40) Be ready because Christ may return at any hour of the day

v47) The servant who knows what the master wants, yet is lazy and does not prepare himself or do the master's will, will be punished
  • As Christians, we have been given God's Word - entrusted with the knowledge and wisdom that we need to obey God's will
  • As such, we are accountable and required more from - because there is no excuse for us to not have obeyed God 'simply because we didn't know'
v48) From everyone whom much has been given, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much will be asked.
  • We've been given and blessed with much, and we should utilise this for God's glory as much as possible

  1. I need to be ready for Christ - I'm often living a life with a lack of urgency for God's kingdom and lost souls
  2. Utilise all that I have for Christ's glory and not my own glory
  3. Always be prepared to encourage, and preach God's word at any time of day or night

Dear heavenly father, I find myself being lazy and not dedicating to your Word but instead, I pursue my own desires. Lord please humble my heart and ignite a passion in my heart that lives for the sole purpose of glorifying you. I pray that I would utilise all the gifts you have given me so that I might look at you in awe and use these gifts to lift your name and not my own. 
In Jesus name,

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