John 2:1-12
Observation and Meaning:
- Outline: Jesus turns water
into wine and to ultimately reveal his glory
- On the
third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee . Jesus’
mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been
invited to the wedding. (v1-2)
- What an honour to have
Christ at your wedding
- We must invite him by
prayer and he will come
- It is a reminder that we
should invite Christ (through prayer) into everything we do in life,
including all social gatherings and works that we do
- “Woman,
why do you involve me?” (v4a)
- There is no disrespect as
he used the same words when speaking to her with affection from the cross
- This is a testimony against
idolatry of giving undue honours to his mother
- “My hour has not yet come.” (v4b)
- His hour is come when we
know not what to do
- Delays of mercy are not
denials of prayer
- Those that expect Christ’s
favours must observe his commands with ready and open obedience
- “His
mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” (v5)
- She took what Jesus says
well and she hoped and even believed, and therefore immediately told the
servants to do whatever Jesus commanded
- “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and
then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you
have saved the best till now.” (V10)
- The ignorant master of the
banquet did not know where the wine had come from and what miracle had
been performed
- Christ is much like this
wine, where those who endure for him will be rewarded with his glory that
was given to us on the cross
- What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the
first of the signs through which he revealed his glory (v11)
- Jesus came to reveal
his glory
- Our focus should similarly
reflect this and we should be constantly striving to glorify his name in
everything that we can do
Key points + Application:
1. We need Christ at all
times, and this is a reminder that he will ALWAYS be there for us even in our
worst of times - even if we cast him aside and sin against him, he continues to
love and want to be with us
2. As a result we should
constantly be working to be obedient to his commands and will no matter
the cost
3. Our response to this
obedience and sacrifice/justification that has been given to us is that we
should be constantly working to glorify his name in all that we do