John 1:1-18

Observations + Meaning:

Outline: The incarnate word
  • Jesus is the eternal and now incarnate Word and as the one-of-a-kind Son of the Father who is himself God (v18)
  • Introduces Jesus as the life (v4), the light (v5 - 9) and the truth (v14, 16-17)
  • Introduces believers as God’s children (v12-13) and the world’s rejection of Jesus (v10-11)
(v13) He gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh or man, but of God
  • Neither physical birth or ethnicity is a limitation of God
  • We are chosen to be his people
  • He gives us the right to become his children THROUGH Jesus
  • Saving faith precedes becoming members of God’s family through adoption
(v14) We have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth
  • Jesus is the Son who is exactly like his Father in all aspects
  • ‘Only’ is used here to highlight that he is one-of-a-kind
(v16-17) For his fullness we have all received…grace and truth came through Jesus Christ
  • Grace is God’s unmerited favour that brings blessings and joy
  • However grace and truth refers to “steadfast love and faithfulness"

  • Jesus is the perfect son, who is in ALL aspects the same as God
    • It is THROUGH him, that we have been saved…because the perfection of Christ was sacrificed for me, I am able to become God’s children
  • God has chosen me, however I must be reminded that saving faith in what Jesus has done is critical before I can be a member of God’s family

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