Jesus is the bread of the life ~ John 6:1-15

  • Everything in this life, will not satisfy us. 
  • The shine wears off and we end up not satisfied 
Where do you find your satisfaction?

  • They got this food for free 
  • But this food will not satisfy 
  • They wanted to force him to become king so that he can give them all free food to everyone
  • Which 
  • Jesus tells us to not seek him to be filled in the gifts he gives but instead in the work that lasts forever (believing in God)
  • These people wanted to get their feed (the bread) but it won't last forever
  • the food that the son of Man will give us which will last forever
  • By having the food that Jesus provides we will never be hungry
  • They ask what work do they need to do to get this food?
  • Jesus says they just need to believe

  • They still don't understand and they ask for more signs 
  • The same people who witness the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5000
  • Reference in Exodus where God provided them with food
  • They need a sign every single day 

  • Jesus responds by saying that God gives the true bread that gives life to the world
  • It didn't come from Moses (in Exodus), it was from God
  • it is Good who provides the bread of life to the world

  • They still think that Jesus will provide this bread
  • they don't want to work, all they want is this bread
  • I am the bread of life
  • Jesus makes it clear that by coming to him they will be satisfied, they will live and have eternal life
  • Jesus is where you find your true satisfaction
  • Jesus is the one who takes our sin away 
  • He has done the hard work and paved the way for us to God

  • Coming to Jesus is finding satisfaction
  • it's finding joy in the one who will never turn their back on you
  • Work is not where we find satisfaction (evidenced by how often we change jobs)
  • Uni is not where we find satisfaction
  • Find satisfaction in Jesus as it is the only thing that will last

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