Daily prayer

Today I’m reminded that it is in God that I find ultimate satisfaction and refuge. When I trust in God, he will deliver me from any suffering. No matter what happens, no matter how much it hurts, if I keep my eyes fixed on God he will guide me on the path that leads to life - that leads to eternal joy. It is in God that I will find eternal satisfaction. Not in the love from Jess or relationships, but from the love and grace that I have already received from God. I pray that I would keep my eyes fixed on God alone, that he would transform my heart to constantly seek Him for His glory and not my own. I pray I would let him be the immovable rock in my heart, that will never be shaken. I rejoice in the joy that is found in the security that I have in Christ.

Thank you Lord that you overcome all my weaknesses and you supply me with everything that I could possibly ever need. That Lord, in my weakness, you are made strong. Would I continue to lift every struggle and inadequacy up to you and trust that you will provide a way that is not necessarily the most comfortable, but is indeed the best for me because I know you love me. As I potentially serve in various ministries, would I focus not on how well I do, but instead of how much you are glorified. Would I keep you and my love for you at the centre of my heart.

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